Just the facts, Ma'am
Phil at the JF said he didn't want to divulge the amount that was raised yet, as his boss hasn't even been informed of the amount yet. However, he did verify that they were shooting for $700,000., and that the UJC (United Jewish Communities; click here http://ujc.org/ for more info on the effort) is trying to raise 18 million USD. He was careful to mention that the amount could change, depending upon how long the violence continues, if it spreads, etc.
The money will partly be routed through the UJC to Hadassah and the Israeli govt. to set up kids' summer camps; they say that one child can attend camp for a week (away from the north- probably in Beer Sheva and Jerusalem, Phil said) for $350. I don't know how else the money will be used, but they also have an Israel Crisis Fund, and some of the money will go to that.
I know that there's no way it will be enough, but I include this info because I want it to be an encouragement to people reading from Israel that here in the US, we do care, and we want to help you.
If you are able to provide financial support in any amount at all, please donate! Here are 3 places to give to help people in the north:
- Through the UJC's site (again, it's http://ujc.org/).
- If you would prefer that your money go directly --as in cash-- to those in the north, please give generously at http://rockofgalilee.blogspot.com/. These guys seem to be doing a great job of getting money out to needy families.
- I would be remiss if I didn't also include this Christian site: http://www.comebeblessed.com/artman/publish/how_help.shtml, which is headed up by a friend of a friend in the Golan. They provide humanitarian aid to new olim, though I imagine at this point they've expanded their efforts to be anyone who is in need (which would be, um, everyone in the region..). It is a religiously based effort (Christian), so give there if that's how you feel more comfortable.
Yesher Koach! Good job fundraising!
Ephraim, at 7:46 AM
I am at this moment in the North of Israel living in, or near, my security room 24/7.
I would just like to say thank you to all those people who have been so generous and supportive.
SabraP, at 4:41 AM
It's the least we could do. If there is anything that you know of that could further assist people in the north, please let us know.
Yaakova, at 4:47 AM
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