Still sick of the war...
Welllll, I have a couple of problems with that:
1) Hezballah guerrillas pretend to be civilians, so how does the news really know whether or not they were innocent? (Remember, even a shepherd "innocently" herding his sheep signalled to other Hezballah members.)
2) Who in their right mind would be standing near a truck in the midst of war, when you know the IAF is targeting truck-mounted rocket launchers and trucks full of munitions? It's a war zone, people!
And I'm irritated about something else, too. Mel Gibson. Hollywood had better not let him back into their good graces!!! Look, I'm a Christian. I can understand the need to forgive. But forget? No. Gibson and society as a whole needs to learn about consequences. I wish him the best of luck in exorcising his personal demons, particularly if that means he will conquer his antisemitism. (Though I am skeptical that he will succeed, or even try.) But I sure won't be seeing any more of his movies. Besides encouraging his behavior, I would feel nauseous watching him.
Enough. I'm feeling ill.
So yesterday at around 5 p.m. I had the good fortune to step on a filthy, rusty nail while walking barefoot in my back yard. Great way to begin shabbat, no? It was so deeply embedded that I had to stifle a scream when I pulled, no, yanked it out. Around 1/4 inch deep. I'm such a baby. (Should I not mention my pathetic stuff with a war on? Or does it comfort people to remember the mundane?) Of course I have no idea when I last had a tetanus shot, so after reading about the very unattractive (not to mention deadly) side effects of tetanus, I schlepped myself to "urgent care" this a.m. .. $170 later, I have a lovely new puncture wound, in my *ss. :)
Shavua tov, everyone.
I hope your foot and *ss are better soon. It is a real pain in the *ss when stuff like that happens!
I too am upset with Mel Gibson and have no intention of ever seeing another film by, or with, him. Yes, it is the right thing to forgive, but I am having a hard time with that concept where he is concerned. I am not a Christian, but as far as I can tell, he is not even following his own tenets. He is apparently out drinking and cavorting with other women while married - not very Christian I think. He is making anti-semetic remarks - not very Christian I think. He is, however, a practicing hypocrite. If we "jews" (maybe I am over sensitive, but I am a Jewish person, his reference to "jews" is too reminiscent of Nazi terminology) as he refers to us, are the cause of all the wars in the world, then by association, our money is blood money. He has certainly had no problem accepting the money of "jews" that have made him millions. Perhaps he should refund all my money I have spent on his movies over the years, since I would not want him to have my tainted money in his pocket.
As for his father/son realtionship. His father is renowned for being a Holocaust denyer. It is that ignorance that continues to fuel anti-semitism. He had an opportunity to publicy denounce his father's beliefs with Diane Sawyer after the Passion opened, and instead all he said was "I love my father". Well, I love my parents (may they rest in peace)but, believe you me, my mother had many opinions that I totally disagreed with. I made that disagreement known, loud and clear, and just as loudly made my love for her clear. You can disagree with someone and still love them. It seems to me that is the Christian (and Judaic) thing to do. I am scared for the lessons he has taught his 7 children. The next generation of anti-semites?
Goodness, I have rambled on here. I love your blog. It is encouraging to see the walls that could be built higher between Christians and Jewish people come down with your blog. Keep posting and I hope you are able to make Aliyah someday, if that is what remains strong in your heart.
Maureen, at 5:12 PM
I love your idea! Let's all help Mel to clear his conscience by giving our money back! Maybe that's a concept he would understand. Thanks for your kind comments. And yes, I definitely still plan to make aliyah. :)
Yaakova, at 2:40 AM
I think the term "enemy civilians" is most appropriate. When the enemy uses civilians as cover, with no protest from the civilians, then one must assume that all civilians are enemies.
Ephraim, at 3:48 PM
You have not posted in a long time. Hoping you are well.
Maureen, at 3:19 AM
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