Straw Poll
Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I've been very busy with real estate transactions. I may not have mentioned before that I just finished a sabbatical year, so I'm not used to working hard any more!
Boy, if I ever had your sympathy, I know it went out the window with that last sentence. To redeem myself, may I just say that had I not taken a year off from the regular grind, I never would have gotten my priorities straight to make the aliyah decision. Like a lot of people, I was so busy being busy that I forgot my deeper purposes in life.
I'm now refreshed and invigorated, which is a very good thing, because I seriously have to make-- I'll say it again-- a LOT of money!! I'm 39 now, and I'm trying to retire in the very near future. I say "retire", but what I really mean is "have enough saved up to not starve in Israel."
Here's the goal-- and I'm sure you'll forgive me if I neglect to state how much I've currently saved: a mere million in cash (not including my primary residence), and I'll be able to live --comfortably, if not extravagantly-- off my investments. I should be able to draw about $70,000 per year from the investments (so says my stockbroker) without tapping into the principal. I think that I can live off that easily, barring some pretty serious devaluation of the dollar or double-digit inflation!
Of course, if by some miracle I should marry and have a family (yes, the clock is booming! Prince Charming had better hurry it up if he's planning on my having babies!), then my funds will be far from enough. Does anyone know a wealthy, single man? Just kidding. With my outspokenness, I only last as a "trophy" for about 1.5 dates, then I get way too real. Tends to turn off the shallow, wealthy guys.
Wow, that was quite an unexpected tangent.
Okay, back to the original reason for tonight's post. I would like to take a "straw poll" to find out very honestly what you readers think of the name Yaakova (for a woman, in Israel). So far, I've been told that:
A. It's not a name, and there is no way to feminize the name Yaakov in Hebrew, and
B. In Israel, many people have stranger names that this, so go for it.
So what do you think? Currently, my first name is a feminization of Jacob, and I'd like to retain that aspect of it. I'm also open to your ideas, whatever they may be.
Yaakova, your name is personal, so go for what makes you comfortable and is in your heart. If Israel is anything like here, ANYTHING goes!!I would imagine in this day and age any name can be feminized by someone creative enough to do it! How do girls here have femine versions of traditionally male names transposed to Hebrew for their Bat Mitzvahs? (There are lots of Michaels and Ryans that are girls.)
By the way, glad you're back!
Maureen, at 2:44 PM
Thanks for your comments, and for the encouragement to write more on my blog. :)
Yaakova, at 4:30 PM
I would have to totally agree with Maureen, I don't see anything wrong with your name - its personal and creative and I don't know about Israel but we have 'stranger' names here in Australia than that too!
Baleboosteh, at 4:14 PM
Thanks for commenting! BTW, I love your blog. You always seem to have the most incredible photos.
Yaakova, at 3:07 AM
I like Yaakova!
Deyl, at 7:49 AM
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