Attention: No Spin Zone!
Let me also just say that I guess I'm a Christian Zionist. Now I'm reluctant to "brand" myself with that name, because
A. While I've heard the term bandied about, I really don't know for sure what the "Christian Zionist" platform or beliefs are, or even if they have a platform or set beliefs, or any type of organizing body, and
B. I don't really feel like joining a group, as I'm more dynamic than any of the groups I've encountered!
But the facts remain that I am both a strong Christian and a passionate zionist, so I guess "if the shoe fits..."
So, returning to my soapbox:
Who in their right mind would doubt Israel's right to exist??!! Look around, people!! The land that God gave to Israel has been brought from a backwater, malaria-infested desert and swampland dotted with some archaic villages and one small city, and transformed into a thriving nation with great infrastructure, beautified areas, and tons of cities and towns, all in the space of... for the most part, 70 or so years. And don't even get me started on how ridiculous it is that people and governments who cared nothing about this unimproved land when they had it for nearly two thousand years, suddenly value this land now that it's been improved...
How do you think Israel pulled this off? Do you really think all of this progress was the result of a United Nations declaration? Or do you think it's because a group of Holocaust survivors landed upon the shore and (many in sick and emaciated condition) started working the land? Or do you think that it was made possible by these settler's zeal to be back in their land?
No. That is not how modern-day Israel came into being. Of course, all of the above factors did exist, but they existed because God orchestrated them. The Almighty didn't just find a convenient set of circumstances, and say, "Hey, I might as well use these factors to my advantage and bring my people back here. After all, I did give them this land forever as their inheritance." (Although, even if He had just done that, it would have been enough... )
But no: As difficult as it is for EVERYONE to accept, whether Muslim, Christian, or Jewish; God worked out the situation precisely. I'm sorry if that offends you. But if it does, I recommend that you take it up with God and not shoot the messenger (me). May I say, it's comforting to know at least that all three of our faiths believe in one God. Maybe this one commonality is a good place to start working toward understanding.
Finally, please accept my sincere apologies for all the run-on sentences in this post!!